
Welcome to the Cochrane Ringette Association. In order to determine player placement within the divisions, a consistent evaluation process will be utilized to allow for the best possible assessment of each players' total ringette skills and the best team placement for them.
In order for the process to be effective, players must attend all evaluation ice times they are assigned. If a player is unable to attend their designated ice time, as we understand that certain unavoidable conflicts may occur, please contact the Cochrane Ringette Board Vice President for further information.
Please note that the guidelines to follow may have to undergo certain adjustments each season, these would be made in consultation with both the Evaluation Committee and the Board of Directors. The policy governing the evaluation process is available in the regulations and operating policies.

Evaluation Process

For U10 through U14 evaluations will include the mandatory skills session, Universal Athletic Assessment, as required by Ringette Alberta. The following evaluation sessions will be comprised of game play only, including 5 on 5 play and possibly 3 on 3 play.
Division Coordinators will use the Game Flow sheets to help ensure like skilled players compete against each other, and to adjust evaluation grouping to assist in the efficiency and accuracy of the evaluation process. 
Evaluators will score players from 1-5 on 3 skills. Efforts will be made to have consistent evaluators for all ice times within a division whenever possible. Evaluators will be drawn from the division(s)  above that which is being currently evaluated. At no time will any parent evaluate the division in which their child is playing. 

Evaluation Volunteers

If you are volunteering to work the bench, be a timekeeper or a referee, please refer to the following.

View/Download Time Keeper Instructions

View/Download Bench Helper Instructions

View/Download Referee Instructions



View/Download Coaching Information

Upcoming Events

Apr. 27, 2025 2:15 PM to 4:15 PM

Come Try Ringette
Totem 3, Spray Lakes Centre

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